With sponsorship of Tibetans, there is a very direct relationship between the sponsors and recipients and over time real and true friendships are established. Deciding to sponsor a “Tibetan” also means supporting a millenary culture that is at risk of extinction. Through this relationship, at first by letter and then, hopefully, in person, you are sending a sign not only of economic support but of true solidarity for the Tibetan people.
You can choose to help a child to study or you can also sponsor a grandfather or grandmother or a young monk! Tibetan grandparents are considered to be the authentic heart of a now distant Tibet … there are many elderly people in the homes of the refugee camps, whose families have either remained behind in Tibet or who no longer exist and for these old people to know that someone, in another part of the world, is thinking of them, gives them joy and security.
The first sponsorship started 25 years ago and to the present date about 2,000 people – “grandparents”, children and monks – have been helped.
How it works
The relationship is very personal, your letters and photos will be sent directly to your beneficiary and also their correspondence with you will be direct.
There is also the invaluable possibility of visiting the refugee camps and get to know your children or grandparents… A human and cultural experience that has no equal.
What it costs
The sponsorship of a child or a grandparent requires a minimum donation. The help provided is used to purchase school books, clothes and whatever is most needed to meet the various necessities as the occasion arises.
If you want to sponsor a Tibetan child, grandparent, or monk, contact Debbie Carrani or Raffaella Stiuso
Become one of our supporters
Please contact us to find out more about us or how you can support a particular project or cooperate with our Association.
There are many ways you can help us, either with a cash donation, or offering your services, products or cooperation, or participating in the events we organize and fundraising in your area.
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