India – Scholarships
As a result of a legacy, we were bequeathed a sum of...
Given the huge success of these first scholarships, thanks to the trust Nel Nome della Donna (In the name of the Woman), we were able to start a new project that will allow 50 young Tibetan girls to go to college and obtain a higher grade diploma, and for another two to enrol at the Faculty of Medicine, which in India is extremely expensive.
Furthermore, in cooperation with the Sisters of the Destitute we finance studies for handicapped girls, who want to continue their studies at college or with professional training once they leave the Jeevan Dhara Insitute. At present 12 girls are involved plus a deaf and dumb girl who has to go to a special school.
Brazil – Education, sport and leisure time
At Macapà, in Brazil, we cooperate with the...
Bangladesh – Contribution to the School
This project is being carried out in cooperation with...
Amici delle Missionarie dell’Immacolata (Friends of the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate).
The school, run by the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate, admits children, mostly from tribal areas, with courses from 1st to 8th class, and is currently attended by 250 children. In 2016 our contribution served to build new classrooms, by raising the building by one floor, so that it was possible to have courses for 7th and 8th classes, as foreseen by State regulations. In 2018 laboratory equipment was purchased so that the children could carry out physics and chemistry experiments. Otherwise our support is aimed at paying the salaries of the 12 full-time teachers plus any additional teacher for specialization courses.
Guinea Bissau – Support for the Students
In Guinea Bissau, at Bissau, Mansoa and Bissorà, we support...
a project that is on-going in each of 3 centres of the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate: to help deserving students to complete their studies. There are about a dozen students and they are provided with teaching aids, help with transport and, in cases where the students stay with relatives without adequate means, also board costs.
Papua New Guinea – Education for Girls
At Port Moresby, in Papua New Guinea, the...
Papua Nuova Guinea – Scholarships
At Watuluma, a small missionary on Goodenough...
Island, in Papua New Guinea, through the Amici delle Missionarie dell’Immacolata (Friends of the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate) we make a contribution to the Santa Maria Secondary School, Watuluma, by financing the higher education studies for about 25 students who wish to continue their studies after completion of XII class.
Italy – After-school Support
In Sesto San Giovanni, on the outskirts of Milan, the...
Passo dopo passo insieme Association (Step after step together) runs a centre dedicated to constructive training, study motivation, raising awareness in the area, aimed at families, schools, parishes and companies. They teach young people how to study better even though not inclined and advise families on the correct approach as regards their children’s studies. Although we have no direct experience of the association’s work, but knowing that high opinions are reported, we make a small contribution so they can continue their work.
Syria – Everyone at school!
At Azeir, in Syria, on the border with the...
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