Medical Camps

We try to regularly organize teams of doctors who leave for brief periods “in the field”. They examine patients, operate, are available for emergencies, which are always many, offer their own time through competence and practical action.

Every stay is also an occasion to get to know the local situation better, collect information, realize personally and on the spot what are the priorities and needs, data which are essential to prepare better structured and better focussed interventions for the next visit.

Right from the very first medical camps, we realized their enormous importance: sick people who would have waited until their symptoms became much more serious before seeing a doctor were saved in time thanks to the medical examinations the doctors made on a huge number of people: monks in monasteries, school children schools and adults invited to be examined free of charge in the hospitals that we support.

Become one of our supporters

Please contact us to find out more about us or how you can support a particular project or cooperate with our Association.
There are many ways you can help us, either with a cash donation, or offering your services, products or cooperation, or participating in the events we organize and fundraising in your area.

Corner Bank

Via Canova 16 – 6900 Lugano
IBAN CHF: CH97 0849 0000 2712 1000 1
IBAN €: CH59 0849 0000 2712 1000 6

Intesa Sanpaolo

Corso Italia 22 – 20123 Milano – Italia
C/C 100000006527 Associazione Vimala
IBAN: IT32S0306901791100000006527