Staff living quarters
India – Mundgod Refugee Camp (Karnataka)
Project sponsored by the Italian Buddhist Union
The medical staff of the DRT hospital in Mundgod...
Secular ethics
India – various refugee camps
We decided to finance this project in which His...
Bathrooms and laundries
India – Dharamsala (Himachal Pradesh)
Project sponsored by the Nel Nome della Donna Trust
Thanks to the Nel Nome della Donna Trust we were able to...
build new bathrooms and a laundry room for the CHTS (College for Higher Tibetan Studies) girls’ school at Sarah Village.
Renovation of buildings
India – Ngoenga hostel/school in Dehradun (Uttarakand)
Project sponsored by Arpe Foundation
Another step was taken at the Ngoenga school this year...
with the renovation of another two buildings: the infirmary room and the garage area with above them living quarters for the staff, and total revision of the electrical plants of the canteen, kitchen and other two staff buildings.
Chairs for the Dekyiling hospital
India – Dekyiling Hospital at Dehradun (Uttarakand)
Thanks to generous private financing we were able...
to purchase news chairs for the waiting room of Dekyiling hospital at Dehradun.
Purchase of a generator
India – Clement Town refugee camp in Dehradun (Uttarakand)
A new generator was installed that will supply electricity to...
the Kysteling school during the frequent electricity blackouts.
Renovation of the old peoples’ home
India – Clement Town refugee camp in Dehradun (Uttarakand)
The old peoples’ home at Clement Town was in most...
precarious conditions. We tiled the walls up to a height of 1.5 m, painted all inside and outside walls, tiled the courtyard with non-slip tiles, removed the water tanks from the roof and installed them in a special tower equipped with a protection against the damage done by monkeys.
Renovation of the school assembly hall
India – Paonta Sahib refugee camp (Himachal Pradesh)
Project sponsored by G. & G. Ambrosoli Foundation
The Paonta Sahib school had been asking us for some years...
if we could finance the renovation of the roof of the canteen, which as well as a canteen functions as an assembly hall for all the school’s activities. Thanks to financing by our now faithful Ambrosoli Foundation of Lugano, we were able to renovate the roof, rewire the electric plant, which was discovered to be in a very poor state, replace all the windows and, with the help of the pupils, repaint the whole hall.
Paving and boundary wall of monastery
India – Paonta Sahib refugee camp (Himachal Pradesh)
Project sponsored by the Bertarelli Foundation
The monks of the Shalu Monastery at Paonta Sahib had been...
Paving of the area around the water tanks
India – Paonta Sahib refugee camp (Himachal Pradesh)
The third small project at Paonta Sahib this...
year was paving the access area around the water tanks to avoid snakes hiding in the grass.
Water well
India – Lugsung Samdupling Refugee Camp in Bylakuppe (Karnataka)
The Tso-Jhe hospital at Lugsung, founded in...
1982, with a staff of 28 doctors, nurses, technicians, cleaning and administrative staff, serves a population of 30,00 people – 20,00 Tibetans and 10,00 Indians. Supply of water is indispensable for maintaining a good level of hygiene and health for the patients. The previous well was already exhausted and we were urgently requested to finance the construction of a new well. We were more than happy to do so!
New school canteen
India – Lugsung Samdupling Refugee Camp in Bylakuppe (Karnataka)
Project sponsored by G. & G. Ambrosoli Foundation
Thanks to the support of the G. & G. Ambrosoli Foundation in...
Lugano we were able to build a new canteen for the CVP school at Lugsung, since the old one was small, open to dust and rain, with an asbestos roof in very bad repair.
Papilloma vaccination
India – Lugsung Samdupling Refugee Camp in Bylakuppe (Karnataka)
We were happy to accept the papilloma vaccination project...
that the Tibetan Health Department proposed to us since we believe it is an extremely important project that will have with equally important effects. For the Tibetan families it is extremely difficult to have regular gynaecological check-ups so that any tumour of the neck of the uterus would be diagnosed too late, putting both the life and future fertility of the women in danger. Due to the very high cost (and the large number of young girls to vaccinate) we spread the vaccinations over three years. This year 165 girls were vaccinated at the Tso-Jhe hospital at Lungsung and we hope to vaccinate the same numbers over the next two years.
New Year gifts
India – Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
As we do every year to celebrate the New Year, through...
Shabnam Resources, we sponsored a gift package for the children living in the Chennai slums.
New kitchen for the nursery school
India – Mundgod refugee camp (Karnataka)
At Mundgod we financed the construction of a new...
kitchen for the nursery school, since the old one was in very poor condition and also with an extremely damaged asbestos roof, that was dangerous for both the children and the staff.
Retaining wall
India – Ngoenga hostel/school in Dehradun (Uttarakand)
Project sponsored by the GAB Charity Foundation
The area behind the kitchen of the...
Ngoenga School/residence risked collapsing sooner or later due to the lack of a containing wall between the few metres of land and the stream that runs lower down. In fact during the monsoons the violent rains and the stream that turned into a fast torrent were eroding about a metre of land every year. We therefore constructed a supporting wall 2 metres high so as to eliminate the danger.
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