Re-building of the school

India – Mundgod refugee camp (Karnataka)


The school at Mundgod, which has more than 600 pupils, is...

in all aspects a real campus with lodgings for girls and boys, and classes from the infant school up to the XII year. It is in a very poor state, many of the buildings are almost in ruins, many still have an asbestos roof, and only a few have already been renovated. Little by little the Association hopes to be able to re-build all the buildings that are beyond repair and renovate the less damaged ones. A generous private sponsor took the situation to heart and offered to finance the re-building of the physics, chemistry and biology laboratories and the library for 465 students in 2020-2021. Work has been considerably slowed down due to pandemic restrictions but they are nearly completed and we hope to inaugurate the new building by the first few months of 2022.

Purchase of school bus

India – Mundgod refugee camp (Karnataka)

Sponsored by the  Fondazione G. & G. Ambrosoli

The Fondazione G. & G. Ambrosoli sponsored...

the purchase of a school bus for the refugee camp at Mundgod, one of the largest refugee camps in India, consisting of 9 villages. Some of these villages are a long way away from the school and the roads are in a bad condition. It was thus urgent to purchase a new school bus since the old one could no longer be used.

Extension of the old people’s home

India – Clement Town at Dehradun (Uttarakand)

In 2019 we renovated the old peoples’ home in...

Clement Town. In 2021 we were asked to extend it by adding another floor with 9 rooms, 1 prayer room, 4 showers and 4 toilets. At the end of 2021 work had already made good progress and we foresee completing the construction by March 2022.


Fire emergency

India – Longliang (Arunachal Pradesh)

On 18 March 2021, at about 11:15 am local time, when...

most of the population was at work, a devastating fire broke out that burnt 114 houses to the ground and killed two people. The inhabitants of these houses lost everything. Vimala Association made a contribution so that they could purchase what was indispensable and start re-building their houses.

Assistance for families

Brazil – Sao Paulo and Manau


The nuns - Missionarie dell’Immacolata – handled...

the pandemic trying to provide aid to the most needy families by providing both food and education. They worked on two projects, which Vimala Association offered to sponsor. The first, at San Paolo, was to guarantee monthly food baskets containing essential items for 22 families that were particularly affect by COVID for the year 2021. The second, at Manau, is aimed at 50 children aged from 6 to 12 years and their families. The aim is to teach the children and their families the techniques of artisanal work that could help them to leave their misery behind. During the lessons they are also given a hearty meal. Our contribution was used to purchase teaching material, food, 2 cupboards, 2 tables, 25 chairs, 25 desks and kitchen equipment.

Purchase of teaching aids

India – Chennai (Tamil Nadu)

In mid-November the South-East of India was hit...

by heavy flooding, especially the city of Chennai. Our friend Michael Hubert, who is extremely active in helping the poor, requested our help to replace the teaching aids (books, exercise books, pens, etc.) that were lost in the floods.

Protection against mosquito-borne diseases

India – Chennai (Tamil Nadu)

During the heavy floods that hit the city of Chennai...

in November, our friend Michael Hubert, with whom we have been cooperating for many years, requested our help in purchasing equipment to protect the very poor from mosquitoes, that carry diseases such as dengue and malaria and whose numbers increased enormously in the stagnant waters that followed the floods. Appropriate netting was purchased to use as a cover and protect the body.

Support for photographic laboratory

Brazil – Sao Paulo

In Sao Paulo, Brazil, the “Suore Missionarie...

dell’Immacolata” (Nuns) run centres to keep the youngsters occupied out of school hours, with the aim of keeping them off the streets. In February 2019 they started a new project, which they called “a young glance”, aimed at young people aged 12 to 16 years.
The aim of this project is to help the participants feel they are an active part of the social reality where they live, educate them to see reality with young eyes, and develop sensitivity enabling them to observe daily life with attention. The method used is edu-communication, a new area that unites education and communication. In practice, the project offers a photographic laboratory and another laboratory for cartoon drawing. About 50 teenagers are involved and 6 educators trained in psychology, pedagogy, photography and edu-communication are employed. They also employ a young woman to prepare snacks for students and staff.
We thought this was an extremely interesting and worthy project so the Association offered to fund the costs involved. Regretfully in 2022 the project was suspended because the building used is no longer available.

Become one of our supporting members

Please contact us to find out more about us or how you can support a particular project or cooperate with our Association.
There are many ways you can help us, either with a cash donation, or offering your services, products or cooperation, or participating in the events we organize and fundraising in your area.

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Via Canova 16 – 6900 Lugano
IBAN CHF: CH59 0849 0000 2712 1000 6
IBAN €: CH97 0849 0000 2712 1000 1

Intesa Sanpaolo

Corso Italia 22 – 20123 Milano – Italia
C/C 100000006527 Associazione Vimala
IBAN: IT32S0306901791100000006527