India – Delivery Rooms
The first delivery room was built in the Bylakuppe...
refugee camp in the south of India, at the Tso Jeh Hospital, in 2000, this is an important structure, not only for Tibetan women, but also for the Indian women living in neighbouring villages. The delivery room provides a completely free service including check-ups, medicines, tests and assistance during childbirth. We also provide baby clothes for the new-born babies. The Vimala Association pays all the costs, including the salaries of two resident midwives, on-call 24 hours a day. In addition to this delivery room, we have built a further 3 in the Gurupura, Kollegal and Mundgod camps.
As of 2023 this project is taken over by the Vimala Association – Italy
India – Ngoenga School
The school in Ngoenga was built in 2000 with….
personal funds from the Dalai Lama. It currently takes in about 60 Tibetan children with severe physical or mental disabilities for whom individual and dedicated physiotherapy is provided. The children need constant medical treatment, 24 hours/day assistance and specially trained teachers. The aim is to provide basic education, wherever possible, and in any case, assist them with daily sessions of speech therapy and physiotherapy. Maintenance is extremely costly and the Tibetan Government in exile cannot meet all the expenses. They have asked for our help, especially for the purchase of medicines and a partial renovation of the hostel/school.
India – Jeevan Dhara Institute
The Jeevan Dhara Institute in Gaziabad in the north-eastern...
suburbs of Delhi was founded in 1993 and is run by the Indian nuns of the Sisters of the Destitute order. The nuns lovingly look after, teach and treat 64 physically disabled girls, whose families are unable to provide for them. The majority of these girls have suffered from polio and others have been disabled since birth. The Institute has a physiotherapy department to help them regain the use of their limbs as much as possible or to teach them to move independently using the prostheses adapted for them. The girls leave the Institute when they have finished their studies and are independent enough to be able to live with their families. The Vimala Association partially supports the medical and schooling costs of the girls, and offers scholarships for the girls who want to continue their studies after X class.
India – Individual Medical Treatments
In the refugee camps where we work we receive reports...
of numerous cases of people who are seriously ill and without the financial resources which would enable them to seek help: persons who, left without any help, would certainly die. Over the years we have followed and assisted a large number of people , for example by paying for dialysis for patients with kidney failure, drugs needed by old, sick people, physiotherapy for those who have suffered severe accidents by making possible the indispensable surgical operations. We have also assisted many other cases as reported to us by those in charge of the refugee camps.
Lately, in agreement with the department of Health of the Tibetan Government in exile, we have set up an emergency fund for them which the Department will manage by mutual agreement with us, so as to ensure that the assistance is more direct and immediate. Also, we try as far as possible to offer to families who cannot afford it the TMS (Tibetan Medical System), a small form of insurance that the Department offers the population.
India – Support for Vimala Hospital
The Vimala Dermatological Centre is a hospital that since...
1976 offers treatment, surgery and rehabilitation for patients with Hansen’s disease. It is located in Versova, Mumbai, and is run by the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate. It also takes in 50/60 children with the disease or whose parents are undergoing treatment, providing meals and sending them to school. For many years now the Friends of Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate take care of the girls staying at the Centre and sponsorship of children involved with leprosy, so they have made the Vimala Hospital their headquarters.
We joined forces with them both for sponsorship and also to make an annual contribution so that the Sisters can more easily meet the heavy costs they must bear daily to carry out their work.
We joined forces with them both for sponsorship and also to make an annual contribution so that the Sisters can more easily meet the heavy costs they must bear daily to carry out their work.
India – Aid for Tso-Jhe Hospital
The Tso-Jhe Hospital is located in the Lugsung...
Samdupling refugee camp in Bylakuppe, the largest Tibetan refugee camp in India. Dental treatment is very important but it was extremely difficult to find a dentist who could adapt to the place and the meagre salary. A few years ago a young and competent lady dentist was employed and the Association pays half of her salary.
As of 2023 this project is taken over by the Vimala Association – Italy
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